Preparing for Donor Egg Treatment: Mind, Body, and Spirit
Preparing for donor egg treatment can be an exciting and stressful experience. It is exciting to embark on a journey of building the family you have always dreamed of, but it can also be stressful due to all of the uncertainties. As you begin to prepare for donor egg treatment, it is important to strengthen your mind, body, and spirit. Here at Shady Grove Fertility, we understand that it is very easy to become inundated with the to-do lists associated with fertility treatment; however, we encourage you to take each day individually and most importantly take care of yourself throughout the process.
10 Tips for Preparing for Donor Egg Treatment
1. Create a personalised plan that helps you relieve stress.
Be creative about what helps you to relieve stress, whether that be a trip to the spa, a night in with family and friends, or reading your favourite book. Laughing can help reduce your stress hormones and can actually make you feel good from the inside out.
2. Join a support group.
Discussing the emotional aspects of your fertility journey with family and friends can often be difficult, especially with people who are unfamiliar with infertility. We understand that you may find it difficult talking to loved ones about donor egg treatment. At Shady Grove Fertility, our online support group is a community of men and women who are or have been in the same shoes as you. Regardless of whether you are just starting to prepare for fertility treatment or you’ve been through more than one cycle, it is never too early or too late to find the right emotional and mental support.
3. Take care of your nutrition.
Whilst you are mentally preparing for donor egg treatment, use this time to also prepare your body. Use food as a source of fuel and where possible opt for healthier alternatives.
Schedule a consultation with a nutritionist to help keep you on track with your nutrition and ensure that your eating plan is balanced and provides adequate calories. A nutritionist will also provide meal ideas and snacks that will help you to stick to a simple and straightforward plan.
4. Stay informed and ask questions.
We appreciate that there is a lot going on physically and emotionally throughout your journey. That’s why we are here to help. We offer a multitude of resources including events, articles, frequently asked questions and patient stories to provide you with information about your treatment and support during your journey.
5. Experiment with a relaxation technique.
Why not consider holistic therapies such as yoga, acupuncture, and massage as supporting relaxation methods. These therapies are known to help reduce stress and keep you healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually.
6. Drop the extras.
Whether it’s clutter or pounds, neither one helps when the time comes to prepare for donor egg treatment. Excess clutter in your life can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. We recommend that you tackle tasks whether that be in your personal, home, or work life one by one. Plan to stay organised—this can give you more focus and can be a great stress reliever and weight loss activity too! Losing any excess weight will prepare you for greater success when you begin your donor egg treatment programme.
7. Write a gratitude and fertility journal.
One of the greatest things you can do for your personal development is to write a gratitude journal. It’s pretty easy to do and requires 5 minutes of your time each day. Why not describe some of the things you are most grateful for throughout your fertility journey. Regardless of whether it is small or large, if it makes you feel good then why not write about it? Writing a journal is also a great way to reflect on your journey, strength, and courage in years to come.
8. Get in shape.
It’s good for your mind, body. and spirit to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into your daily routine. If your schedule makes it difficult to get to the gym, why not consider a short walk during your lunch break, or consider taking the stairs as opposed to the lift. Always consult your physician before beginning a regular exercise programme.
9. Give back to the community.
Nothing is more satisfying than knowing you have really helped someone else in need. Whether it be offering to help an elderly neighbour, volunteering at a local shelter, at Shady Grove Fertility we truly believe that what you give out, you will receive back. Why not hear what our SGF patients have to say about the generosity they have given and received.
10. Focus on today.
Remind yourself that not every day is going to be a good day and that is absolutely normal. Try and focus on the things you can control and let go of the things that are out of your control. When you reach the end of your journey, reflect back, and you will hopefully agree that the difficult times were worth it.
For more information about our Donor Egg Treatment Programme, get in touch with our team by calling 0208 003 0827 or email Amanda Segal, our International Patient Liaison.